Sunday, June 04, 2006


I couldn't resist lying in front of the Race Classification Commission wall-size photograph at The Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. The black/white photo juxtaposed next to my colourful frame sets the tone for "the good old days" versus the South Africa of today. Check the stern looks on those creeps...and imagine THEM determining your "race." Hmmmmmm, let's see: four racist dudes masquerading as blobs of DNA inspectors...only their "technology" was a government issue HB #2 pencil! It's all pretty comical now, but check those faces again for a less than comedic stare. And while you're scanning their solemn mugs, which have a U.S.A. McCarthyesque patina to them, look at my angry stare. Yeah, I'm mad as Hell at someone who would have the audacity to determine my "race." Thing is, none of this was funny at all...they were dead serious about being race inspectors...and their progeny are still lurking around this beautiful country.