Tuesday, June 06, 2006


That's six dots before the 666, six dots after. And now look up and say, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Well, if the sky is still there you'll know that the hex on people and events on this day is all a bunch of hooey. Listen, I say to Hell with the Devil! That sounds a bit bold, especially on HIS day!

The learners at my school are aware of today: June 6, 2006...the sixes are aligned and it only happens like this every, what, few thousand years! I was thinking of just staying in bed today, but the alarm clock rang at, you guessed it: 6:06am. Strange. I set the doggone thing for six. I timed myself dressing and for the first time in about six months it took me only six minutes and 6.6 seconds.

Breakfast was "spot on" with the day...I counted six things at my place (plate, utensils, "serviette", of course). Rushing off, I kissed my wife six times and damn if it didn't take me exactly six minutes to get to school!

By this time you must know I'm pulling your leg--six times, of course. Kids are wary about this day--some are apprehensive about taking exams today. And who could blame them? Six of 'em were standing outside my door this morning (the room used to be numbered 13!). When they walked in and saw 666 written on the chalkboard they balked. I assured them if they would just write J.M.J. in the upper right corner of their papers, then everything would go well for them on the exam today.

It always worked for me...the J.M.J. thing. It stands for Jesus, Mary, Joseph. We learned to do that at St. Anastasia High School in Fort Pierce, Florida (where I graduated from long ago). As captain of the football team (American football), I always led the prayer on the school bus like this: "Jesus, lost and found again, help us win this game." Unfortunately, it almost never worked!

So there you are, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. By the way, the only reason people keep bringing up the 666 thing is that some folks actually believe it. Belief is a strange thing. It can help you max-out on exams and it can also (sometimes) help you overcome an opponent on a sports field. More importantly, some beliefs can handicap you and cause you to lose your sense of rationality.

The latter being the case, I'm gonna "tread lightly" today. Hmmmmm, where have we heard that before? When it is six minutes past six I will make sure I'm nowhere near six doors, six windows, six people, or six-shooters (that's guns to an American). Maybe I'd best cuddle a six-pack of a good South African beer and empty 'em out one by one. Added up that would be six beers, right? Then I would probably head for the bedroom and catch forty (40) winks...nah, that wouldn't work would it? At any rate, I sincerely hope you have an uneventful 666 day!

One last thought on this day: my good friend, Ron, told me that the Rand finished this day at R6.66 per U.S. Dollar! Simply amazing, I thought! What a coincidence. Or was that Satan fellow working a little overtime on his big day? We'll never find out, I suppose. And if you believe any of the above you need to "deep six" any and all your beliefs and find a way to get rid of one of those dwarfs in the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs story!