Last Minute Thoughts for 2005
I'm somehow reminded of a quote I carry around in my wallet: "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards" -Soren Kierkegaard. The Danish existentialist philosopher's remark certainly has left an imprint on my way of thinking about such things. This Fulbright to South Africa will be experienced in the context of Kierkegaard's thinking on life--to the fullest extent. My primary goal in going to South Africa is to learn, to share, and to become a better human being as a result of the experience. I hope to be able to make a difference in the lives of people I come into contact with while there. Most of all, I want this tremendous learning adventure for my son, Ivan J.J., and my wife, Svetlana. Without them, this Fulbright would be an empty vessal--adrift in a sea of people with little, or no direction. With them, I am grounded in meaning and direction for my life. Most importantly, we will have the unique opportunity of sharing this Fulbright and engaging the fascinating array of peoples we are about to meet and know. I am a very fortunate, blessed person!